Full access offered through BYU:
Statista is a global data and business intelligence platform with an extensive collection of statistics, reports, and insights on over 80,000 topics from 2,500 sources in 170 industries
JSTOR is a digital library that provides access to more than 12 million journal articles, books, images, and primary sources in 75 disciplines.
ProQuest Public Affairs Information Service (PAIS)
ProQuest covers issues in the public debate through selective coverage of a wide variety of international sources including journal articles, books, government documents, and more.
Factiva is a business information and research tool that aggregates content from both licensed and free sources, providing access to over 32,000 sources from nearly every country and in 28 languages.
The Washington Post is an American daily newspaper published from Washington, DC.
The Wall Street Journal is an American business and economic-focused international daily newspaper based in New York City.
The New York Times is an American daily newspaper based in New York City.
The Atlantic is an American magazine and multi-platform publisher based in Washington, DC.
Sources by Region:
The Diplomat is an international online news magazine covering politics, society, and culture in the Indo-Pacific based in Washington, DC.
Middle East:
Al Jazeera English is a 24-hour English-language news channel with a global audience known for its frontline reporting (particularly in conflict zones) based in Qatar.
BBC News is an international world news channel based in London, Washington DC, and Singapore.
Africa Confidential is a bimonthly newsletter covering politics and economics in Africa, focusing on issues that receive little coverage in the mainstream press.
Latin America:
Latin News provides political, economic, and security analysis on Latin America and the Caribbean.