With an export value of 33.7 billion U.S. dollars in crude oil to China alone in 2019
For policymakers to understand the crucial economic role of oil, it is critical to note that in 2014 the Russian exchange rate changed to a floating exchange rate directly affected by the price of oil
Permafrost makes up the foundation of nearly 65% of the developed Russian land
Russia has often been criticized by international organizations and NGOs for the methods by which they calculate its carbon emissions. There has also been criticism and scrutiny over the dedication and effectiveness of policies enacted in Russia to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. With the economy heavily reliant on oil trade, there has been little incentive to thoroughly change the methods by which oil and industrial production are managed in the past. However, the threat to oil production, and therefore a staple in the Russian economy, has increased the incentive and immediacy of necessity to change the greenhouse gas emission rate. Since July of 2021, Russia has declared plans to decrease carbon emission by 36% by the year 2030, and an additional 12% by the year 2050
Negative consequences on the Russian economy serve as a cautionary tale to other countries with high greenhouse gas emission rates. Russia ranked fourth of nations with the highest carbon emissions, proceeded only by China, the United States, and India. Based on data gathered for greenhouse gas emissions in 2019, Russia had contributed 4.71% of the world’s carbon emissions
Discussions on how to proceed with energy production are already an important topic of discussion by members of congress. Potential threats to the U.S. from climate change primarily target coastal cities, due to rising sea levels and increased storm intensity. However, changing energy source methods would require large amounts of funding and restructuring of the energy industry. Divisions in Congress and the U.S. population have prevented decisive action to be taken in pursuit of a solution. From events in Russia, it can be inferred that two categories of action may be taken. Either government funds can be addressed to changes in living conditions and other adverse reactions to climate change when those reactions impede economic production, or funds may be directed to establishing renewable energy sources with lower cost to the environment before production and living quality is threatened. Future proceedings can be expected to require significant funding with the proceeding of either course, but how those funds are directed and how much may differ between the two.